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Facts and Figures

Fragments of data don’t provide the scope of impact. But they do provide a glimpse of the impact of the research conducted by the university's nine colleges, seven research institutes, and hundreds of centers and laboratories that contribute to Virginia Tech's research enterprise.  

number of new awards
$419M in sponsored research expenditures in FY23.
17% year-over-year increase in research awards
approximately 260 postdoctoral scholars
4000+ faculty researchers
7 research institutes

Sponsored Research Expenditures

For fiscal year 2023, Virginia Tech reported a record $419 million in extramural research expenditures surpassing the university’s strategic plan goal of $410 million two years earlier than planned.

2023 Sponsored Research Portfolio

2023 Sponsored Research Across Virginia Tech

Entrepreneurship and Partnerships

Expanding impact of Virginia Tech’s research through increasing core metrics of technology transfer and commercialization. *Data below reflects the success of the 2023 fiscal year.

$80 million-plus in corporate and foundation philanthropy
25 license deals
142 new invention disclosures