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University of Virginia Postdoc Research Symposium

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to present your work and network with postdoctoral researchers at the University of Virginia (UVA)!

The Virginia Tech Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and Postdoctoral Association are collaborating with our colleagues at UVA to offer a limited number of spaces for Virginia Tech postdocs to travel to present their work at UVA’s annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium.

There are limited slots available for Virginia Tech postdocs to be selected to present either a 5-minute lightning talk presentation (3 slots) or poster (15 slots). The Virginia Tech Postdoctoral Association and Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will work to select who secures these spots amongst Virginia Tech postdocs’ submissions. Travel costs (Amtrak tickets to/from Charlottesville) will be covered, as needed, for Virginia Tech postdocs selected to present at this Symposium.


We encourage all Virginia Tech postdocs interested in attending this Symposium to register but you will need to make your own transportation plans to UVA if you are not a selected presenter.

In addition to having the ability to present your research and network with postdocs at the University of Virginia, the Symposium will also feature a panel discussion on improving the postdoc experience and the opportunity for attendees to have a professional headshot taken free of charge.

UVA Postdoc Research Symposium  

May 21 | 8:30 a.m - 4 p.m.

Alumni Hall on the campus of the University of Virginia

Street Address: 221 Emmet St S, Charlottesville, VA 22903


Important Dates and Deadlines:

  • Abstract Submissions for Poster Competition: April 11
    • NOTE: Participants must complete the registration form and submit a 150-word abstract during their registration. Selected participants will prepare a poster (36x42).
    • Poster printing costs will be covered by Virginia Tech.
  • Submission Deadline for Lightning Talk Competition: April 25
    • NOTE: Participants must complete the registration form and express interest in submitting a 5-minute video for the selection committee to review.
  • Learn more about the two presentation formats and how to structure your submissions.
  • Last day to register for the Symposium: May 9

To help you prepare a dynamic poster and lightning talk presentation, the University of Virginia PhD Plus team will be holding online and hybrid workshops in March and April, open to Virginia Tech postdocs. More details below.

This workshop will provide a brief overview of the 2025 UVA Postdoctoral Research Symposium, and review the requirements for both types of presentations. We will break down and discuss the selection criteria, how to register for the symposium and the submission process. Additionally, we will review the Lightning Talk competition structure (preliminary and final rounds) and review videos from last year's competition so you know what to expect.

Mar. 13 | 3-4:30 p.m.


Do you want to showcase your research to an interdisciplinary audience or compete for prizes?

The UVA Postdoctoral Research Symposium provides postdocs from all disciplines an opportunity to effectively explain their research to a non-specialist audience as a short Lightning Talk. In the Lightning Talk competition, your goal is to intrigue your audience and explain your research in a way that is both understandable and memorable. This is challenging for many reasons, and in this workshop, you’ll learn how to use your 5 minutes to do all this and more.

This 1.5-hour workshop will highlight ways you can intrigue your audience by presenting your research in a way that is both understandable and memorable. Members of the PhD Plus team will share tips on how to design your talk to complement your presentation style—enabling you to deliver a polished and professional research presentation. You’ll also get tips and tools to overcome common presentation fears and foibles.  

Apr. 10 | 3-4:30 p.m.

Hybrid Event

This 1.5-hour workshop will highlight how you can design a poster to connect with your audience and more effectively communicate your research. This interactive workshop will help you reflect on what you want to share with your audience and how to design a poster that includes the essential information for your poster presentation.  

Apr. 17 | 3-4:30 p.m.

Hybrid Event