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Search Engine Optimization: Best Practices

  • Search Engines only focus on the first 70 characters of a web page title. Optimize headlines/titles to be easy to read, but powerful enough to optimize for a search engine.
  • Fix all broken links within a page. Working links not only increase the user experience, it also increases credibility for your page/content.
  • Focus on web content to be clear, concise, and to use appropriate keywords where needed, but do not overfill content with keywords.  
  • Do not spam page content with links to the same item over and over. Google will penalize this by decreasing your ranking in search, moving you further down in results. It is more user friendly to have one link to the item.
  • Keep in mind not to use underscores or spaces in web URLs. Dashes are preferred because Google doesn't recognize underscores.
  • For example, the URL /this_is_a_page_name.html would be recognized by Google as “thisisapagename.html”.  The URL /this-is-a-file.html would be recognized by Google as “/this is a page name.html”
  • Spaces are considered a special character and browsers convert those to their respective HTML entity (&20;).
  • Example: /this is a page name.html would be converted to /this&20;is&20;a&20;page&20;name.html.  This could break when copy and pasted into a  browser and produce a bad link.

Best Practices that are not as strict

  • Only use one <h1> tag for a page.  This is reserved normally for the title of the page that the user sees in the design.

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