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Biography Page

Biography pages are created to showcase employees, provide their contact information and biography information that describes their duties, background and education history.  These pages are built using the Biography page template and a considerable amount of the information found on the pages will be entered via the page properties of the biography page.



  1. Image to the left and the person’s name followed by position title to the right
  2. Address to the left and email and phone info to the right (email and phone information can be under address depending on the length of the department name in address)
  3. Bio Information (if required)
    1. Responsibilities
    2. Background
    3. Education


This will be a cropped shot, preferably from a landscape orientation image so that there is greater flexibility for the crop.  The alt text field will read “<first name> <last name> portrait.”

Example - “Kathy Acosta portrait.”

More information on creating a Biography page.