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Event Listings

This style of page will be used to showcase a listing of events which feature tags and can be sorted. A list component will be on the initial landing page which will then pull in all child pages of the section, showcasing their tags. Filter and search options are optional and can be enabled via specific CSS classes created for this purpose.

An example is the Research and Innovation Events page:


Primarily - the goal is for all research events to go under the research events section. There are instances where this can be overlooked - such as units that produce events that are not strictly research-related.  

To build a page like this, an initial parent “listing” page will need to be created which will house:

  • List component for child pages
  • The child pages (in this case, the event pages) need to be created under the parent listing page.  These child pages can be in a subdirectory named after a year, such as events/2023/<event-name>. Any research event put on by the Office of Research and Innovation and its respective divisions and offices should be created uner the Research Events section. 

Setting up the Listing Page List Component

Due to some of the complications involved, please reach out to the digital media specialist to have this setup. 

Tagging Events

Each event can be assigned tags from their page properties.  For assistance on creating a new tag, please reach out to the digital media specialist.

Things to Note

Using tags, although helpful, can create issues for keeping events in order if you have events that may be added at later times. A workaround for this involves dragging and dropping the events to their specific order in their root folder in the CMS, and then publishing the events in order ONE BY ONE.