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Call to Action- Links

Call-to-action button in content 

Call-to-action buttons are used outside of in-text links to draw greater attention to an action that a website wants a user to perform.  Each button will have the following styles:

  • Color Choice: Dark
  • Link Style: Filled
  • Advanced Options: Text Uppercase

In the above example from the Research and Innovation homepage, the “View More Measures >>>” call-to-action button is placed to encourage users to click-through to the linked Facts and Figures page.

Additional settings such as alignment will be dependent on placement of the call-to-action button.

Alignment Usage
Left Rarely used, but can be used in a muti-column setup where spacing is an issue with following columns.
Right If in a highlight box and following a teaser paragraph.
Center If following a paragraph of content in the main content pane that isn’t housed in a highlight box.  

Right-rail usage for child links

Call-to-action buttons are currently used to produce the child navigation links.  Each button will have the following styles:

  • Dark
  • Outline
  • Text Uppercase
  • Full-Width

In the above example from the Research Integrity Officer website, there are three child links laid out in the right-rail navigation.

Stacked call-to-actions

In some instances you may want to have direct call-to-actions placed together. 

In the above example from the Research and Innovation homepage, a stack of call-to-actions are presented to showcase various research support resources.