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Adding a Video to a Article

Scenario - a communicator or media specialist needs to add a video (example) to a article and cannot find the video in

Step-by-Step Process

Navigate to your article/story in's Ensemble author area. For example, here is a URL to a story that has been published:

Once the page loads, make sure you're in editing mode by clicking "Edit" in the upper-right of the screen. From there, you will want to open the component options by clicking the "Toggle Side Panel" icon in the upper-left of the screen.

In the menu that opens to the left, VT Components will be the first tab opened. Scroll down to "Media - External" and drag this to where you want the video to be placed.

In another tab in your browser, navigate to the video from you would like to embed. For example:

Copy the asset ID that is in the URL. This will be just after the month number of the URL and just before the .html.

For example:

The ID in this URL would be 1_64qi69dl.

Click back to your tab that has the author / edit page for the article you are working on. Scroll down to the "Media-External" component you added to the page and then left click on the component.

Click the wrench icon for the component's configuration options.

In the "Title and Options" tab, place a component title in the "Component Title" input box. You can simply put "Video Component".

Example below: Adding a component title to the "Media-External" component.

Next, left-click the "URL and Options" tab and then left-click in the "Media URL" input box.

Type ""

Insert your cursor into the URL and Options box just after the last "/" after /media in the URL. Press [[ctrl]] + [[v]] to paste the ID you copied.

Your URL would now look like this:

Left-click the "check" icon at the upper-right of the configuration box to accept your changes/modifications.

Now you will want to preview the page to make sure everything is working as it should. Click the "View Properties" icon in the upper-left of the screen (to the right of the Toggle Side Panel icon you clicked earlier).

Click "View as Published".

A new tab will open with a preview link showing the page as it would if you published it.

Scroll down and test the video by clicking the play button.

If all is working well, you can now choose to publish the page if no further edits are required. If the video did not work, go back and check the URL of the video.