Content Management System (CMS) Access How-To
Please note: The below instructions are after access has been granted to a web editor. To request access for a web editor, please contact the digital media specialist via the website support form.
How to Access the Ensemble Content Management System (CMS)
Navigate to
If you're not already logged in with your Virginia Tech PID and Password + 2 Factor, you will be requested to login.
Once logged in, click My Sites to view the sites you have access to edit across the university (in a majority of cases, this will only show as

From the list, click the website you want to access. In this example (and for a majority of our web editors), click "research_vt_edu"

You'll then open a redirect file that needs to be clicked to go to the website root for editing. Click "Research and Innovation at Virginia Tech"

Although the multicolumn view can be used, the "List" view will allow you to only see the directory that you are working in. Steps to change view are included below:
Click the dropdown button to the right of the "Create" button in the upper right of the screen.

Click "List View". If you were already in List View and wanted to change to Column View, you would click "Column View".

To find your section or page to edit, please see this tutorial.