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Videos on How-To

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If you are not logged in, you'll see "Guest" in the upper-right corner. To login, click "GUEST".

Click "Login".

Once logged in, you can now click your name for options.

Click "My Media".

Search for the video you want to edit. Once found, click the associated "pencil" icon to edit.

The "Name:(Required)" field will allow you to name the video. This will be what user's click on in search results from

The description field should have a concise paragraph informing viewers what the video will be about.

The tags field should have related tags for making the video easier to find.

Click the "College:" dropdown and choose Research and Innovation.

Example below: Research and Innovation has been chosen as an option from the "College:" dropdown.

Click the "Department:" to choose your respective department (if exists in dropdown). If your department does not exist, choose "Not specified".

Example below: "Not Specified" has been selected from the "Department:" dropdown.

Click "Save".

Click "Publish" tab to view publishing options.

Click "Published - Media page will be visible to users according to entitlements based on the selected destinations in the options below." if you wish for the video to be shown in search results or within playlists. Click "Unlisted - ..." if you wish for the video to be published, but not show up in search results.

If "Published - ..." was chosen, you can then choose a channel for the video to be published too. Videos within the Research and Innovation office should at least have "Research and Innovation" chosen. More than one channel can be selected.

Click "Save"

Click "Back to Media Page" to view edits you have made to the live media page for the video.