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Regina Allen

Director, Institutional Biosafety Committee program and Institutional Biosafety Committee Administrator
Regina Allen portrait.
The Division of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance
Institutional Biosafety Committee program (MC0497)
North End Center, Suite 4120, Virginia Tech
300 Turner Street NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Regina Allen joined the Institutional Biosafety Committee Program in 2012. She has over 20 years of experience in cell and molecular biology, specializing in microbial genetics. 


Before coming to Virginia Tech, Regina worked in the bio-technology industry, designing and generating knock-in and knockout mouse models, generating designer vectors, sequencing, and genotyping. During her career in bio-tech, Regina gained an interest in the regulations governing the use and shipment of biological agents and genetically engineered organisms.

As an administrator, she uses her research background and knowledge of biosafety regulations to guide investigators through the regulatory processes so that they can focus on their research goals.


Regina earned her Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from the University of Rhode Island.  Regina is a Certified Professional Biosafety Compliance Administrator (CPBCA).