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Becky Burns

Protocol Coordinator, Animal Care and Use program
Becky Burns portrait.
The Division of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance
Animal Care and Use program (MC0497)
North End Center, Suite 4120, Virginia Tech
300 Turner Street NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Becky Burns joined the Animal Care and Use Program in 2018 as a protocol coordinator. She has many years of experience in animal science, with a specialty in laboratory animals.


She came to Virginia Tech after working in comparative medicine for over five years in such roles as a research technician, facility manager, and IACUC support staff member. During that time, she gained knowledge in veterinary technician and animal behavior/enrichment specialist duties. Becky also has experience from her family farm with several agricultural species including sheep, cattle, and donkeys.


She earned a bachelor’s degree in animal and poultry sciences with a livestock emphasis from Virginia Tech in 2011, and a master’s degree in laboratory animal science from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2016. She is a registered laboratory animal technologist (RLATg), as well as a member of AALAS and its local greater-Virginia branch.