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Ling Chen

Senior Protocol Coordinator, Institutional Biosafety Committee program
Ling Chen portrait.
The Division of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance
Institutional Biosafety Committee program (MC0497)
North End Center, Suite 4120, Virginia Tech
300 Turner Street NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Ling Chen has been with the Institutional Biosafety Committee Program since 2015. She has over twenty years of research expertise in cell biology and recombinant DNA technology. 


She has worked in both academia and the bio-technology industry, and has published research in peer review journals that include Molecular Cell, Nature Structure & Molecular Biology, and Current Biology. She has been awarded fellowships from the American Heart Association and Cancer Center of Santa Barbara.

She is experienced in the application of National Institutes of Health guidelines for research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and Biosafety in Microbiology and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) in research and instructional labs. Her goal is to facilitate the processes of establishing IBC protocols and ensuring continuous compliance of approved protocols.


Ling earned her Ph.D. in molecular medicine from the University of Texas Health Science Center.  Ling is a Certified Professional Biosafety Compliance Administrator (CPBCA).