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John Talerico

Director, Export and Secure Research Compliance
John Talerico portrait.
Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance (MC0564)
Research Building 1311, Suite 2040, Virginia Tech
1311 Research Center Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061


John Talerico III serves as the director of the Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance for university-wide compliance with export controls, sanctions, and research security laws and regulations. He also serves as the university’s facility security officer and Insider Threat Program senior official as required by the National Industrial Security Program.


In 2009, Talerico joined the office as a program manager and the role of deputy facility Security officer in July 2010. Prior to joining the office, he spent three years as a licensing associate for Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc. Under Talerico’s leadership, both in 2016 and 2020, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency named Virginia Tech’s Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance the James S. Cogswell Outstanding Industrial Security Achievement Award winner for industrial security excellence and providing leadership to other cleared facilities to set high standards for security.


Talerico earned a master of business administration in 2006 and holds a bachelor of science in electrical engineering, both from Virginia Tech.