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National Association for Biomedical Research Webinar: Q&A with the United States Department of Agriculture – The 12th Edition

National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR) members will have a unique opportunity to ask questions directly of the leadership of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Care’s animal welfare operations. 

A lot has changed in the last year. The final rule on standards for birds not bred for use in research under the Animal Welfare Act was implemented, the Animal Welfare Inspection Guide was revised, and the USDA and the Justice Department entered into a memorandum of understanding on civil enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act.

Researchers can take advantage of this unique opportunity provided to NABR members to better understand what impact these and other ongoing changes may have on their institution concerning compliance with the animal welfare regulations.

This webinar is open to all Virginia Tech researchers.  Viewers may register to watch individually, or join the Animal Care and Use program's Zoom to watch. 

National Association for Biomedical Research Webinar: Q&A with the United States Department of Agriculture – 12th Edition

July 16 | 12:30 p.m.