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Introduction to Virginia Tech's Proposal Submission Process

Office of Sponsored Programs pre-award associates will provide information about Virginia Tech’s process and requirements for funded research proposals. A wide range of audiences will benefit from the session, including experienced researchers new to the university, new faculty members, post docs, and staff members who assist with proposals. The pre-award experts will review the full proposal process, including proposal components, budgets, submission methods and deadlines, award transfer, individuals’ roles and responsibilities, and the university’s online platform—Summit.

Attendees may submit their questions in advance to

Introduction to Virginia Tech's Proposal Submission Process

Mar. 12 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Gilbert Place, RM 3003, Virginia Tech
220 Gilbert St
Blacksburg, VA 24060


Jessi King portrait.

Jessi King

Senior Associate, Pre-Award

Laura Lawson portrait.

Laura Lawson

Senior Associate, Pre-Award

Carol Volker portrait.

Carol Volker

Senior Associate, Pre-Award