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Virginia Tech National Science Foundation CAREER Program Workshop

The Office of Research and Innovation is hosting a two-hour National Science Foundation CAREER Award Program workshop for junior level, tenure-track faculty to learn how to prepare effective proposals for the program. Randy Heflin, senior associate vice president for research and innovation, will provide an overview of the program, strategies for developing a successful submission, and tips on creating a compelling project summary. 

Additionally, recent CAREER award recipients will discuss their experiences followed by Q&A.

Virginia Tech National Science Foundation CAREER Program Workshop

Apr. 18 | 9 - 11 a.m.

Kelly Hall, RM 310, Virginia Tech
325 Stanger St
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Randy Heflin

Senior Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation

Randy Heflin serves as the senior associate vice president for Research and Innovation, assisting the senior vice president with both strategic and operational matters related to Virginia Tech’s research and innovation enterprise.

His responsibilities include coordinating research development, planning for facilities and infrastructure, and managing cost-sharing for center-scale proposals. He also oversees the administrative units for Animal Resources and Care, Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance, and Export and Secure Research Compliance.

In addition to his administrative role, Heflin is a professor of physics in the College of Science and an affiliate professor of materials science and engineering.