2022 Archive Event Videos
Redirect ItemResearch Integrity and Scholarly Excellence Lecture Series: Improving Reproducibility, Replicability, and Credibility of Research , redirect
Improving open science and reproducibility is less a technical challenge and more of a social challenge. Current practice is sustained by a dysfunctional incentive structure that prioritizes publication over accuracy. Changing the research culture to prioritizing accuracy over having the work published will promote transparency and reproducibility, while not losing the engine of innovation and discovery that drives science into new domains. Guest speaker Brian Nosek, co-founder and executive director of the Center for Open Science, a non-profit organization in Charlottesville, Virginia, led a discussion about improving reproducibility, replicability in science. Session topics include policy, incentive, and normative changes that funders and others are adopting to improve research credibility and accelerate progress.
Date: Jan 20, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemFunding Institutional Training Workshop , redirect
Funding Institutional is a tool provided by Virginia Tech to support research program strategy by helping to identify active, accurate funding opportunities in a timely manner and provide insight into research that has already been funded in a specific area of interest. Hosted by the Office of Research and Innovation in partnership with Elsevier, the online training workshop is Virginia Tech research specific and will enable research administrators and researchers to gain insights into Funding Institutional. After this course, researchers will have knowledge to maximize access and management of funding opportunities.
Date: Feb 15, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Insight and Strategies for Obtaining National Institutes of Health R01 Funding , redirect
The Office of Research and Innovation hosted a seminar designed to educate Virginia Tech researchers about strategies for obtaining National Institutes of Health R01 funding. Experienced Virginia Tech faculty who previously obtained this type of funding provided critical insight and guidance about acquiring this type of funding. The presentation is followed by a question and answer session.
Date: Feb 23, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemBroader Impacts: Connecting University Researchers to the Public Through Educational Outreach , redirect
Many funding agencies now require impacts that extend beyond an academic audience to benefit broader society. The Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology's Center for Educational Networks and Impacts (CENI) collaborates with university researchers to develop and evaluate educational outreach initiatives that are mutually beneficial to researchers and the public. CENI leverages an established network of formal and informal educators from organizations such as preK-12 school districts, museums, and the Virginia Tech Science Festival to help faculty share their research with public audiences. Associate Director of Broader Impacts Dr. Chelsea Lyles shares processes and support available to Virginia Tech researchers, while Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Jonathan Bradley, University Libraries, provide highlights from successfully funded collaborations.
Date: Feb 25, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemFulbright U.S. Scholar Program Opportunities , redirect
The Academy for Global Engineering hosted an informational webinar for Virginia Tech researchers to learn more about the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. Guest speaker Aferdita Krasniqi, the Institute for International Education’s Fulbright Education Outreach and Recruitment specialist, provided information about award opportunities for the 2023-24 competition and tips for applying. The presentation is followed by a question and answer session.
Date: Mar 24, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Best Practices for Winning a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative , redirect
As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted a seminar that informed Virginia Tech researchers about what it takes to plan and win a Department of Defense’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Program award. MURI efforts involve teams of researchers investigating high priority Department of Defense (DoD) topics and opportunities that intersect more than one traditional technical discipline. For many defense problems this multidisciplinary approach serves to stimulate innovations, accelerate research progress, and expedite transition of results into a broad spectrum of DoD and commercial applications. Obtaining a MURI award is a significant career accomplishment that can assist with the pursuit of larger federal funding opportunities such as centers and institutes. Invited speakers shared their insight on the planning and submission process and key elements of a successful proposal. Additionally, MURI winners and participants described their strategies for submitting a winning proposal.
Date: Mar 25, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemNational Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Program Workshop , redirect
During the spring 2022 semester, the Research and Innovation office hosted a two-hour National Science Foundation CAREER program workshop for junior level, tenure-track faculty to learn how to prepare effective proposals for the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award program.
Date: Apr 14, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Crowdfunding Supports Research , redirect
As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted a webinar for Virginia Tech researchers to learn more about the university’s crowdfunding platform JUmp that can be used to raise funds for research projects. Participants heard from Virginia Tech leaders who shared possibilities for what could be achieved with Virginia Tech’s crowdfunding platform while providing tips and tricks for use as a resource for funding priority projects. The creators of JUmp and LINK + LICENSE + LAUNCH professionals shared inspirational crowdfunding success from commercial and academic environments, providing insight on grass roots approaches to enhance projects and help transition intellectual property to market.
Date: Apr 22, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Collaborative Partnerships with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute , redirect
As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted an event for Virginia Tech researchers to learn about the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute's structure, operations, work with contracts and grants, pace, and funding mechanisms for mutually beneficial research and development growth.
Date: Apr 29, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Introduction to the National Science Foundation's Technology, Innovation and Partnerships Regional Innovation Engines program , redirect
The National Science Foundation’s Technology, Innovation and Partnerships directorate has recently announced its Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) program. This unique program offers the potential for up to $160 million in funding over the course of ten years to encourage diverse regional partnerships that positively impact society, the economy, and the workforce. This program prioritizes geographic regions that lack well-established innovation ecosystems, as well as regions that have ecosystem members, yet lack innovation connectivity. In this video, the research development strategy team engages viewers to learn more about this exciting program, which aims to translate research into economic growth through regional coalitions of academic institutions, non-profits, industry, and government entities.
Date: May 20, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Strategies for Winning National Institutes of Health Program Project/Center Grants , redirect
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide the largest amount of public funding for biomedical research in the world. The most substantial awards are program project/center grants (P-series) that support large, multi-project efforts that generally include a diverse array of research activities. As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted a seminar designed to inspire both experienced and new research faculty, by providing an overview of P-series grants and the winning strategies used by invited speakers.
Date: Sep 09, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Establishing Collaborations with the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC , redirect
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC is one of the nation’s fastest growing academic biomedical research enterprises and a destination for world-class researchers. The institute’s Virginia Tech scientists focus on diseases that are the leading causes of death and suffering in the United States, including brain disorders, heart disease, and cancer. In just over 10 years, the research institute has experienced unprecedented growth: doubling its enterprise and lab facilities in Roanoke, while also investing in brand-new laboratories on the Children’s National Research & Innovation Campus in Washington, D.C. As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted an event for Virginia Tech researchers to learn about the Institute’s mission and portfolio. Learn more about Fralin Biomedical Research Institute research and how to take advantage of opportunities for collaborative teamwork.
Date: Oct 04, 2022 - -
Redirect ItemResearch Development Series: Resources and Training for Virginia Tech Researchers , redirect
As part of its Research Development Series, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted a seminar designed for junior and mid-career faculty that provided an overview of Virginia Tech’s research and development support services and how to leverage them for success and career advancement.
Date: Oct 21, 2022 -