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Review, Approval and Training

All completed Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) protocol applications (new and amendments) are required to be submitted at least three weeks prior to the desired IBC meeting date. Meetings are generally held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. When a protocol is approved, the principal investigator will receive a formal letter of approval.

All protocol applications (new and existing) must be submitted using IBC Protocol Management.  The online system is the only accepted source for submission of new protocols and amendments to active protocols.

When an application is submitted, program staff will review the application to ensure that it is complete and meets the committee’s requirements to be reviewed by the IBC and Environmental Health and Safety. Program staff will work with the principal investigator and anyone designated to submit the application on the principal investigator’s behalf to make sure that the application is complete.

To learn more about the IBC protocol application and submission requirements, visit the IBC Applications and Submissions page. If you have any questions, please contact the IBC program director at or 540-231-1910.

Unsure if your research or instructional activities require IBC approval?   

If yes, you can submit an IBC Activities Determination.  For more information, visit the IBC Applications and Submissions page.  To submit an IBC Activities Determination, use IBC Protocol Management to submit an IBC Activities Determination request.

If you are planning on working with regulated or select agents you will need to apply for IBC approval. Additional paperwork will also need to be filed with the Centers for Disease Control  Select Agent program.  Please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Biological Safety Group for more information.

All active protocols that have been previously approved by the IBC require an annual review to assess any changes that have been made during the previous year. This review also verifies that all work has been conducted in accordance with the approved protocol.  You will receive automated reminders from IBC Protocol Management prior to the anniversary date with instructions.

You will begin receiving reminder notifications from the IBC Protocol Management online system 2-3 months prior to when your annual review is due. You will need to go to IBC Protocol Management and complete the information requested.

As part of the annual review, all BSL-1 and BSL-2 labs need to perform a self-inspection and upload the completed checklist into the Annual Review page of IBC Protocol Management.

  1. BL1/BSL-1/BL1-P Self-Inspection Checklist
  2. BL2/BSL-2/BL2-P Self-Inspection Checklist

Full Committee Protocols: Full committee protocols are active for a period of 3 years. The expiration date for the protocol is provided in the protocol approval letter and on the IBC Protocol Management.  Prior to the expiration of the protocol, you will need to submit a renewal protocol. You will receive reminder messages from IBC Protocol Management beginning 28 weeks prior to the expiration of your protocol. It is suggested that you submit your renewal at least 2 months prior to the expiration date to avoid disruption of your research activities.  IBC meeting dates and the submission deadlines for each meeting can be found on the IBC Meeting Schedule page.

Exempt Protocols: Exempt protocols do not have an expiration date. However, a review of the protocol must be completed annually. If the principal investigator does not complete the annual review on time, the protocol may be re-reviewed by the IBC, and could be closed.

Training Requirements and Status Checks

IBC Training requirements

Training is mandatory for all faculty, staff, and students who handle biohazardous agents, including recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, listed on a protocol for Virginia Tech IBC review and approval.

The specific training that you will need to complete is dependent on the agents that you handle and procedures that you perform. Below is a list of the training required by the IBC, including a description of when the training is required and links to complete the training.

Safe Autoclave Use and Verification

All personnel listed on an IBC protocol, including Principal Investigators and Instructors, are required to complete this on-line course.

To complete the training:

  1. Register here
  2. Go to “Biological Safety” and select “Register” for “Safe Autoclave Use and Verification”.
  3. Follow the online instructions to complete the training and quiz. A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the quiz.
  4. When prompted, you will need to click the link to post your grade for the completion to be registered.

Biosafety for Research Labs

All personnel listed on an IBC protocol, including Principal Investigators and Instructors, are required to complete this on-line course. Additional information: This training must be completed every 3 years.  If you will be handling materials that are human and/or non-human primate origin, you will be able to complete your BBP training in this module.

To complete the training:

  1. Register here
  2. Go to “Biological Safety” and select “Register” for “Biosafety for Research Labs.”
  3. To obtain credit for completing BBP training: you must check “Yes” when asked if your work involves the use of human or non-human primate materials.
  4. For this training, please do not use Google Chrome.  Firefox, Safari, and IE will launch the module correctly.
  5. You will receive a message from the EHS Training Registration System with a confirmation of your registration and a link to the training site.
  6. You do not need to complete the entire training at one time. You can stop and go back to the module you are reviewing.
  7. After completing the quiz, when prompted you will need to click the link to post your grade for the completion to be registered.

Overview of the National Institutes of Health Guidelines and Virginia Tech IBC

This training is required if you are handling recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acids, or if you are a PI/Instructor on a protocol involving the use of these agents. Additional Information: This training must be completed every 3 years.

To complete the training:

  1. Review the training slides.: Download the training slides. You will need MS PowerPoint to view the slides.
  2. Complete the quiz at You must receive a minimum score of 80% to pass.

Introduction to Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC)

This training is required if you are using a BSC, or if you are a principal investigator/instructor on a protocol involving the use of a BSC, to learn about the proper use and maintenance of biological safety cabinets. 

To complete the training:

  1. Register here
  2. Go to “Biological Safety” and select “Register” for “Introduction to Biological Safety Cabinets.”
  3. Follow the online instructions to complete the training and quiz. A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the quiz.
  4. After completing the quiz, when prompted you will need to click the link to post your grade for the completion to be registered.

Annual Medical Survey Questionnaire

This survey is required if you are working in a BSL-2 and/or BSL-3 lab, handle biological agents identified as inhalation hazards and/or work with recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids, or if you are a principal investigator/instructor on a protocol involving the use of these agents/containment levels. The survey helps occupational health identify hazards that may indicate the need for additional training, medical services, or use of PPE.

To complete the survey, go to this website and complete the questionnaire.

Annual Blood-Borne Pathogen (BBP)

This training is required if you are handling human or non-human primate cell lines, blood, tissue, body fluids, as well as other potentially infectious material (OPIM) of human origin, or if you are a PI/Instructor on a protocol involving the use of these agents.

Note: Each year you will need to register for the “Biosafety for Research Labs” (BSRL) course.  If your Biosafety training has not expired, when you launch the course the system will automatically take you to an annual refresher course. You will not be retaking the entire BSRL course each year.

To complete the training:

  1. Register here
  2. Go to “Biological Safety” and select “Register” for “Biosafety for Research Labs.”
  3. You will receive a message from the EHS Training Registration System with a confirmation of your registration and a link to the training site.
  4. If you did not complete the BSRL with BBP last year, you will need to check “yes” when asked if you handle human or NHP material, and you will need to take the entire BSRL course.

Annual Respiratory Protection

This training is required if you are handling biological agents or procedures identified as inhalation hazards, or if you are a PI/Instructor on a protocol involving the use of these agents/procedures.

To complete the training:

  1. Register here
  2. Go to “Respiratory Protection” and select “Register” for “Respiratory Protection Training.”
  3. Follow the online instructions to complete the training and quiz. A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the quiz.
  4. Update your medical surveillance survey to include the respirator requirement.
  5. After completing the training quiz and updating your medical surveillance survey, you will be contacted by Occupational Health to schedule your medical services, including the PFT and fit-tests, as needed.  Completion of these medical services will show in your IBC protocol as having "Respiratory Clearance" completed. The "Respiratory Clearance" status does not affect the status of your IBC protocol.

Biohazard Awareness Training

All lab spaces (including shared lab rooms) that are shared by 2 or more PIs, who are not co-investigators on (an) approved IBC protocol(s), must include a “Biohazards Awareness” session for all personnel working in the space. The training must be presented by each PI, outlining the agents and risks associated with the agents used for their specific research.  

Use the “biohazard awareness training guide” to prepare the topics that should be discussed by each PI. Contact one of the Biosafety Officers if you would like assistance in preparing the training session. All attendees at the training session(s) must sign the sign-in sheet located on the last page of the training guide.  Keep the signed training documents in your printed biosafety manual binder.

IBC Training Status Check

The following methods can be used to check the status of trainings that have been completed:

IBC Protocol Management can be used to track your training in two ways:

Training required for a specific IBC protocol:

  1. Log into IBC Protocol Management
  2. Click the protocol number you are checking
  3. Click “details” below your training status
  4. You will see a pop-up open with your training status

Your training status for all training tracked by the IBC:

  1. Log into IBC Protocol Management
  2. Click “My biosketch/Training” (link in left sidebar)
  3. You will see your overall training status below your personal information


Research Compliance Training Site

The Research Compliance training website can be used to download a copy of your NIH Guidelines and Life Sciences DURC completion certificate. To download the certificate, log into the site and click the link to download a copy of your certificate.


Environmental Health and Safety Training Profile Site

The Environmental Health and Safety Training Profile website can be used to check on the status, expiration, and registration of your training. When your training is completed, the website will display the date of completion, the expiration date (if applicable). You can also confirm the date and time of any training classes that you have registered to take (i.e. Blood Borne Pathogen training).

The following IBC-related training can be tracked on this site:

  • Biosafety for Research Labs Training
  • Autoclave Training
  • Biosafety Cabinet Training
  • National Institutes of Health Guidelines Training
  • Blood-Borne Pathogens (BBP) Training
  • Respiratory Training

The Environmental Health and Safety Lab Safety Management System can be used to track the status of training for lab members.  All of the trainings required for IBC approval can be selected as required classes for your lab members, including the "Overview of the NIH Guidelines and Virginia Tech IBC" training that is managed by the Office of Research and Innovation.  You can view your safety management system information from your Environmental Health and Safety Training Profile.

The following IBC-related training can be selected as required classes on this site:

  • Biosafety for Research Labs Training
  • Autoclave Training
  • Biosafety Cabinet Training
  • NIH Guidelines Training
  • Blood-borne Pathogens (BBP) Training
  • Respiratory Training

When the training and surveys listed below are successfully completed, you will receive a completion certificate and/or an automated message notifying you that the training or survey has been completed. We highly recommend that you save the certificate or message for your own records.

  • National Institutes of Health Guidelines Training
  • Virginia Tech Medical Surveillance Survey

Individual Personnel

For all training required for an IBC protocol, you can request a training status by sending a message to the IBC program ( We can provide you with information on which training has been completed and/or is pending, the completion dates and expiration dates (if applicable).

Protocol Principal Investigator

The principal investigator, or designated lab manager, of a protocol can request a status update for all personnel currently listed on the protocol. This request can be sent to the IBC program (