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January 2024 Grants and Awards

American Mathematical Society - Simons Travel Grant

Principal Investigator:
Jorge E. Reyes
Postdoctorial Associate
Department of Mathematics
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

The Simons Foundation

Achieving Speed and Scale: Self-Amplifying Adsorbents for Negative Carbon Emissions

Principal Investigator:
Caroline T. Saouma
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Perilipin 5: Linking Lipid Droplets to Nutrient Sensing and Healthy Aging

Principal Investigator:
Charles P. Najt
Assistant Professor
Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Total Anticipated:

National Institue on Aging

Development of Adaptive Sparse Grid Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Multiscale Kinetic Simulations in Plasmas

Principal Investigator:
Yingda Cheng
Department of Mathematics
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

National Science Foundation

Evaluation of Pb-Induced Perturbations in the Central and Enteric Nervous System

Principal Investigator:
Paul D. Morton
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Medical Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine

Total Anticipated:

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Effect of the Use of Xanthan Gum on the Fully Softened Shear Strength of Fine- Grained Soils

Principal Investigator:
Bernardo A. Castellanos
Research Scientist
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering

Total Anticipated:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Advancing Wastewater Surveillance and Epidemiology in Rural Virginia

Principal Investigator:
Alasdair G. Cohen
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Medical Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine

Total Anticipated:

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health

Advancing Wastewater Surveillance for Public Health and Utility Operations in Rural Appalachia

Principal Investigator:
Alasdair G. Cohen
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Medical Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine

Total Anticipated:

Appalachian Regional Commission

Acoustic Vortex Robots for Contactless 6-DOF Object Manipulation

Principal Investigator:
Zhenhua Tian
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering

Total Anticipated:

National Science Foundation

Southern Rivers Updates for Delivery Ratios and Nutrient Targets

Principal Investigator:
Siddharth Saksena
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering

Total Anticipated:

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Leadership for Poverty Reduction

Principal Investigator:
Eric K. Kaufman
Department of Agriculture, Leadership and Community Education
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Total Anticipated:

Christopher Newport University

Defining the Atypical Quorum Sensing System of Brucella SPP

Principal Investigator:
Clayton C. Caswell
Associate Professor
Veterinary Medical Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine

Total Anticipated:

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Elucidating the Regulatory Mechanism of a Brucella-Specific Small RNA Required for Virulence

Principal Investigator:
Clayton C. Caswell
Associate Professor
Veterinary Medical Research and Graduate Studies
College of Veterinary Medicine

Total Anticipated:

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Testing the Role of Bedrock Erodibility in the Topography and Landscape Evolution of the Appalachian Mountains

Principal Investigator:
James A. Spotila
Department of Geosciences
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

National Science Foundation

Cell Types, Circuitry, and Development of the Visual Ventral Thalamus

Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Fox
Vice President of Health Sciences and Technology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Total Anticipated:

National Eye Institute

Monitoring of Synthetic Organic Chemicals in the Occoquan WA

Principal Investigator:
Michael A. Fox
Vice President of Health Sciences and Technology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Total Anticipated:

National Eye Institute

Monitoring of Synthetic Organic Chemicals in the Occoquan WA

Principal Investigator:
Stanley Grant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering

Total Anticipated:

Fairfax County Department of Health

Revealing the Regulatory Mechanisms of Endosomal Cargo Transporters

Principal Investigator:
Daniel G. Capelluto
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

National Science Foundation

Mechanistic Understanding of Chemomechanics in Phase-Changing Electroceramics for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Principal Investigator:
Feng Lin
Associate Professor and Leo and Melva Harris Faculty Fellow
Department of Chemistry
College of Science

Total Anticipated:

National Science Foundation

Next Generation Emergency Networks

Principal Investigator:
Jeffrey H. Reed
Willis G. Worcester Professor
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering

Total Anticipated:

National Institute of Justice