Booked (Conference Room Booking) Instructions
OESRC utilizes the Booked software to manage conference room reservations. You can use the below instructions to create your account and make reservations.
Go to and click the Register link.

Complete all required information and click Register.
Only and email addresses are allowed.

You’ll be presented with the following registration confirmation. You will need to check your email.

Click the “activate your account” link from the email. Make sure to check your Junk mail folder for mail from

At this point you will be logged into the booked system.
Login to
When you are logged in, you’ll be presented with your Dashboard. The Dashboard will show you rooms available to reserve as well as any prior reservations you’ve made. To Reserve a room, just click the reserve link for that room.

Enter in the reservation details, including repeating information, if applicable, and hit create.

At this point you will receive a notification and an email letting you know your request was successfully created. Your reservation is not final until you receive an approval confirmation email.