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Post-Award Portfolio

The below table lists the primary and backup post-award administrator for departments and organizations at Virginia Tech.

ORG IDORG TitlePost-Award AdminBackup Admin
0104XXElectrical and Computer Engineering Gilbert, Amber Davis, Nevada
0106XXIndustrial Systems Engineering Gilbert, Amber Jones, Tara
4400Geosciences Gilbert, Amber Bierman, Ron
004300College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Modern and Classical Languages Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
004700College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - History Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
004800English Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
005100College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Political Science Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
005400College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - ROTC (Army) Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
005700College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Sociology Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
005800College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Philosophy Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
006000College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Religion and Culture Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
006200College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - School of Communication Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
008700College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Office of Education, Research and Outreach Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
013200College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Apparel, Housing and Resource Management Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
017800College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Center for Gerontology Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
019800College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Center for Humanities Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
018900College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Science, Technology, and Society Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
013400College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Human Development and Family Science Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
019900College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences - Center for Refugee, Migrant and Displacement Studies Gilbert, Amber Berg, Michelle
002800College of Agriculture and Life Science - Extension Berg, Michelle Davis, Nevada
063100College of Agriculture and Life Science - Global Berg, Michelle Davis, Nevada
001500College of Agriculture and Life Science - Academic Programs Berg, Michelle Davis, Nevada
001700College of Agriculture and Life Science - Research Berg, Michelle Davis, Nevada
034800Water Resources Research Center Berg, Michelle Bierman, Ron
004600Geography Berg, Michelle Bierman, Ron
048200Center for Geospatial Information Technology Berg, Michelle Mills, Jessie
048201Center for Geospatial Information Technology- Northern Virginia Berg, Michelle Mills, Jessie
000200Biological Systems Engineering Berg, Michelle Jones, Tara
000900Fish and Wildlife Conservations Berg, Michelle Berg, Michelle
000800Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation Berg, Michelle Gilbert, Amber
000802Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation - Center for Environmental Analytics and Remote Sensing - Forestry Berg, Michelle Gilbert, Amber
000700Entomology Berg, Michelle Kaminski, Jennifer
0183xxFralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC Kaminski, Jennifer Davis, Nevada
049805Vice President Health Sciences and Technology Kaminski, Jennifer Davis, Nevada
063800Family Resources Program Kaminski, Jennifer Gilbert, Amber
036900Conservation Management Institute Kaminski, Jennifer Jones, Tara
009500 School of Neuroscience - Operating Kaminski, Jennifer Berg, Michelle
0052XXPhysics Kaminski, Jennifer Bierman, Ron
004000Biological Sciences Kaminski, Jennifer Mills, Jessie
004001Biological Sciences / BI Kaminski, Jennifer Mills, Jessie
004900Mathematics Kaminski, Jennifer Jones, Tara
007000College of Business - Accounting and Information Systems Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
007300College of Business - Marketing Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
007400College of Business - Management Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
007500College of Business - Business Information Technology Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
013500College of Business - Hospitality and Tourism Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
034307College of Business - International Programs Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
034309College of Business - Center for Business Analytics Kaminski, Jennifer Goode, Zac
010101Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Kaminski, Jennifer Mills, Jessie
005300Psychology Bierman, Ron Davis, Nevada
003330College of Veterinary Medicine Res-Biomed Sci Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
003332College of Veterinary Medicine Res-Small Animals Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
003335College of Veterinary Medicine Res-Large Animal Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
003337College of Veterinary Medicine Res-Pop Health Sci Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
003338College of Veterinary Medicine Exp Station - EMC Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
034100Dean - Veterinary Medicine Bierman, Ron Kaminski, Jennifer
001900Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
002000Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
002400Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
002500Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
022200Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
022500Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center Bierman, Ron Berg, Michelle
MultipleVirginia Cooperative Extension Bierman, Ron Jones, Tara
0107XXMechanical Engineering Davis, Nevada Jones, Tara
001300School of Plant and Environmental Sciences Davis, Nevada Kaminski, Jennifer
010800Materials Science and Engineering Davis, Nevada Bierman, Ron
056400President Davis, Nevada Gilbert, Amber
029600Virginia Tech Innovation Campus Davis, Nevada Mills, Jessie
001000College of Natural Resources Davis, Nevada Berg, Michelle
007200Economics Davis, Nevada Bierman, Ron
034200Dean of Science Davis, Nevada Goode, Zac
034205Arlington Innovation Center Davis, Nevada Goode, Zac
071600Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture Davis, Nevada Davis, Nevada
015400School of Public and International Affiars Davis, Nevada Gilbert, Amber
019200Institute for Policy and Governance Davis, Nevada Mills, Jessie
010100Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Davis, Nevada Mills, Jessie
0308xxVirginia Tech Transportation Institute Jones, Tara Davis, Nevada
001600Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Center for International Research, Education and Development Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
007800Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - TRiO Programs Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
015901Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Catawba Sustainability Center Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
035500Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Global Education Office Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
063900Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Language and Cultural Institute Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
065900Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Economic Development Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
0197XXVice President for Outreach and International Affairs - Office of Engagement Admin Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
0041XXComputer Science Jones, Tara Berg, Michelle
0643004-H Jones, Tara Bierman, Ron
011600Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Jones, Tara Davis, Nevada
038700Myers-Lawson School of Construction Jones, Tara Gilbert, Amber
038703Myers-Lawson School of Construction - Building Construction Jones, Tara Gilbert, Amber
035900Myers-Lawson School of Construction - Housing Research Center Jones, Tara Gilbert, Amber
002300Sustainable Biomaterials Jones, Tara Mills, Jessie
064200Agriculture, Leadership and Community Education Jones, Tara Berg, Michelle
015100College of Architecture, Arts and Design - School of Architecture Jones, Tara Bierman, Ron
036500College of Architecture, Arts and Design - Community Design Assistance Center Jones, Tara Bierman, Ron
047100Vice President for Admin and Business Services - Police Jones, Tara Goode, Zac
048100Vice President for Admin and Business Services - Environmental Health and Safety Jones, Tara Goode, Zac
065700Vice President for Information Technology - Advanced Research Computing Jones, Tara Jones, Tara
027500Vice President for Information Technology - Cyber-Range Jones, Tara Jones, Tara
049300Vice President for Information Technology - IT Security Jones, Tara Jones, Tara
050011Vice President for Campus Planning and Facilities - Grounds Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
056002Vice President for Campus Planning and Facilities - Assistant Vice President for Infrastructure Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
077000Vice President for Campus Planning and Facilities - Virginia Tech Electric Service Jones, Tara Kaminski, Jennifer
010101Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Jones, Tara Mills, Jessie
0497xxHume Elliot-Workman, Stephanie Davis, Nevada
001400Food Science and Technology Norris, Devin Kaminski, Jennifer
019500Executive Vice President and Provost - Vice President for Faculty Affairs Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
034900Executive Vice President and Provost - Graduate School Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
039100Executive Vice President and Provost - Career and Professional Development Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
039200Executive Vice President and Provost - Multicultural Academic Opport Prog Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
039400Executive Vice President and Provost - Student Success Initiatives Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
040000Executive Vice President and Provost - Undergraduate Admissions Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
041600Executive Vice President and Provost - Undergraduate Studies Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
042500Executive Vice President and Provost - Vice President for Student Affairs Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
070600Executive Vice President and Provost - Cook Counseling Service Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
073800Executive Vice President and Provost - Cultural and Community Centers Norris, Devin Bierman, Ron
0103XXCivil and Environmental Engineering Mills, Jessie Kaminski, Jennifer
010200Chemical Engineering Mills, Jessie Goode, Zac
0109XXEngineering Education Mills, Jessie Berg, Michelle
011200BEAM Mills, Jessie Bierman, Ron
013100HNFE Mills, Jessie Gilbert, Amber
011100Mining and Minerals Engineering Mills, Jessie Davis, Nevada
017600Center for Coal and Energy Research Mills, Jessie Davis, Nevada
016003Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Commonwealth Cyber Initiative-Hub Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
016601Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Export and Secure Research Compliance Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
017200Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
029800Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Link, Industrial Partnerships-ORI Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
030000Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Fralin Life Sciences Institute Investments Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
033500Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Interdisciplinary Ctr -Applied Math Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
039901Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Instit for Creativity, Arts, & Tech Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
046700Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Research/Interdisciplinary Program - Admin Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
047400Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
047404Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science-Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership Initiative Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
047405Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science Sponsored Project Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
018100Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - Other - Commonwealth Cyber Initiative- SWVA Node Mills, Jessie Jones, Tara
024100Dean of Libraries Goode, Zac Gilbert, Amber
0345XXCPES Goode, Zac Jones, Tara
005600Statistics Goode, Zac Goode, Zac
005602Statistics - Statistical App and Innov Group Goode, Zac Goode, Zac
005604Statistics - Center for Biostatistics and HDS Goode, Zac Goode, Zac
0005XXBiochemistry Goode, Zac Kaminski, Jennifer
000100Agricultural & Applied Economics Goode, Zac Bierman, Ron
004200Chemistry Goode, Zac Mills, Jessie
000400School of Animal Sciences Goode, Zac Davis, Nevada
AllPratt Foundation Hensley, Eric Cutlip, Mike
AllVT Foundation Hensley, Eric Cutlip, Mike
AllES&ADP, IAP, APP Hensley, Eric Cutlip, Mike
AllVarious Funds Hensley, Eric Cutlip, Mike
AllResidual funds Hensley, Eric Cutlip, Mike