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Human Research Protection Forms and Guidance

The Human Research Protection program and the university research community follow standard operating procedures and use checklists, worksheets, and templates to guide the life cycle of human subjects research at Virginia Tech.

Protocol Templates

Reference ID Template Name
HRP-503 Virginia Tech Human Research Protocol
HRP-503 Tips for the Virginia Tech Human Research Protocol

Survey Research Template

This protocol template is designed for human subjects research that involves surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, or educational tests. This new template is similar to the original version and includes all the required elements, but has been modified to be more applicable to these types of research activities, resulting in a shorter protocol template. If you are unsure of what template is the most appropriate, please email

Tips for the Survey Research Template
N/A Existing Data Protocol
N/A Human Research Determination

Consent Templates

* For studies that involve minors, permission from the parents for the minor(s) to participate in the research will need to be obtained.

Information Sheet

An information sheet can be used for human subjects research that qualifies for an exemption and when the IRB has approved a waiver of documentation of informed consent.

Assent Template

This template should be used for studies in which the researcher plans to obtain assent. “Assent” means a child’s affirmative agreement to participate in research. For research studies that involve minors assent can be obtained from children who are capable of providing assent.

Reference ID Template Name
HRP-502.A Assent Template
HRP-502.B Assent Template (for children ~ 8 – 12 years old)

Other Templates

Reference ID Template Name
N/A Virginia Tech Flyer Template
Reference ID Document Name
N/A Considerations When Conducting Alcohol Administration Studies
N/A Exempt Guidance for Amendments in PMS
N/A Guidance for Researchers: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Research with Student Records
N/A Guidance on Class Projects vs. Research
Guidance on Research with Deception 
N/A Guidance for Researchers using Student Data or Students as Research Participants
Key Information for Consent Form
Regulatory Binder Checklist
N/A Track Changes Instructions

Virginia Tech Athletics Department Protocol on Student-Athlete Participation in Research

Virginia Tech Athletics Department receives numerous requests for student-athletes and teams to participate in research. As part of the university community, the Virginia Tech Athletics Department would like to foster research opportunities within the community in a safe, productive, and ethical manner. In order to protect student-athlete’s welfare and privacy, they require that all proposed research projects be sent to the Virginia Tech Athletics Department research subcommittee for review and approval before having any contact with coaching staff or student-athletes. The subcommittee will not review any applications without an IRB approval.

Information regarding required trainings can be found on the Office of Research and Innovation Required Trainings page.

For questions or concerns: 540-231-3732 or  For more information regarding human research protection, see the Human Research Protection program website.