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REDCap - Research Electronic Data Capture

Research Electronic Data Capture or REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases.

While REDCap can be used to collect virtually any type of data in any environment, it is specifically geared to support online and offline human-health data capture for research studies and operations.

RedCap logo.

Who can use it?

  • Virginia Tech faculty and staff conducting Virginia Tech health-related research
  • Virginia Tech students with approval by a principal investigator
  • External researchers collaborating with Virginia Tech researchers

All users must complete and maintain current Security Awareness Training and sign a user agreement. External collaborators must work with the Virginia Tech principal investigator to obtain a Virginia Tech PID prior to accessing REDCap.

Documentation of completed Security Awareness Training within the last 2 years is required prior to gaining access to REDCap.

Note: completing the CITI Security Awareness training meets this requirement.

Alternatively, users can provide documentation of completion of another Security Awareness Training (e.g., Secure the Human in the Virginia Tech PageUp System) for review and approval.

Obtaining Access to Virginia Tech REDCap

If you are a new user to Virginia Tech REDCap, click the "REQUEST ACCESS" button below. If you are an existing user in Virginia Tech REDCap, select the "USE REDCAP NOW"  button at the top of this page from the right panel navigation (or from bottom of the page if you are on mobile).  

All users requesting new Virginia Tech REDCap accounts and projects must agree to the terms of the Virginia Tech REDCap user agreement. Electronic signatures (via DocuSign) will be initiated once access is requested.   


Research Team Members (Principal Investigators, Investigators and Student Researchers) Responsibilities

Responsibilities associated with the conduct of human subjects research are detailed in the Virginia Tech Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) HRPP-002.1 Researcher and Investigator Responsibilities. Additional responsibilities while using REDCap include the following:

  • Individual researchers must complete security awareness training prior to being granted access to REDCap. This training must be updated every two years.
  • Researchers must ensure that any export or sharing of human subject data from REDCap is conducted and implemented according to the IRB-approved study protocol.
  • In accordance with the Virginia Tech Dealing with Data Exposures, anyone who has reason to suspect a potential data exposure should promptly report it to the appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head.
  • Individuals who become aware of an IT security incident must alert the IT Security Office by following instructions at this link: Report to IT Security Office. Remember, when in doubt, report it.
  • Researchers must protect their username and system from unauthorized use and comply with the Virginia Tech Acceptable Use of Information Systems Policy.

Principal Investigator Responsibilities

The responsibilities held by principal investigators associated with the conduct of human subjects research is detailed in (SOP) HRPP-002.1 Researcher and Investigator Responsibilities. Additional principal investigator responsibilities while using REDCap include the following:

  • Ensure that all members of the research team accessing participant data in REDCap have been added to the project personnel section in the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Institutional Review Board (IRB) Protocol Management System.
  • Remove team members from the personnel section in the HRPP Protocol Management System and notify the REDCap User Support team when an individual’s access to data in REDCap requires termination.
  • Designate the level of access (roles) within each project to research team members according to the principle of least privilege. This designation is documented via ServiceNow requests as detailed in the REDCap user guide. Note: that assigning the project owner role to a team member delegates/allows the individual to designate levels of access on behalf of the principal investigator. A project owner has unlimited access to the data and the ability to grant unlimited access to others. If a principal investigator wishes to be the sole person designating access to project data in REDCap, they must be the sole Project Owner.
  • Ensure that the approved protocol on file with Virginia Tech HRPP IRB contains accurate details regarding any planned export of data from REDCap.
  • Obtain IRB approval (or determination from HRPP that the project does not meet the definition of human subject research) prior to collecting data in REDCap’s production mode.


Disciplinary procedures for those who fail to comply with security policies shall be in accordance with the Virginia Tech Faculty Handbook, the Virginia Tech Management Best Practice and the University Student Code of Conduct.

Faculty: Willful or negligent security violations are considered violations of professional ethics. Disciplinary actions include imposition of a graduated level of sanctions, including a severe sanction or dismissal for cause.

Staff: Willful or negligent security violations are considered Group 2 or Group 3 violations of the Standards of Conduct. Disciplinary actions are graduated and can include issuance of a Written Notice. The issuance of a Written Notice might also include suspension, transfer, demotion with a disciplinary salary action, or termination.

Wage Students: Graduate and undergraduate students who are student wage employees are considered “staff” and subject to compliance with the Standards of Conduct in the Virginia Department of Human Resources Management Policies disciplinary procedures.

Non-wage Students: For undergraduate and graduate students who are not wage employees, security violations are “university violations,” subject to disciplinary procedures of the University Student Conduct System. Disciplinary actions for infractions, noncompliance, or violations include actions that are graduated and include formal warning, restitution, probation, denial of privileges or associations, deferred sanctions, suspension from Virginia Tech, and dismissal.


I acknowledge my access to, and use of, REDCap will be monitored. I understand that my access privileges are subject to periodic review, revision, and, if appropriate, renewal or termination. I understand that my access to projects in REDCap is contingent on my Security Awareness Training being current and documented project IRB approval when applicable.

Click here to read and sign your user agreement

Documentation of completed Security Awareness Training within the last two years is required prior to gaining access to REDCap.

  • Completing the CITI Security Awareness Training meets this requirement.

  • Alternatively, you can provide documentation of completion of another Security Awareness Training (e.g., Secure the Human in the Virginia Tech PageUp system) for review and approval.

Instructions on how to access this training:

Screenshot of the CITI institutional login page, a blue line under the "Log In Through My Organization" link.

Note: if you log in to CITI through their main page (and not through the link above), you will first have to select LOG IN and then LOG IN THROUGH MY ORGANIZATION. 

Select "Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)" from the list and select 

Screenshot showing an autopopulate list for finding the organization (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)).

Continue to the SSO Login/Instructions. 

 Click Add a Course at the bottom of the page.  

Screenshot showing the location of the "Add a Course" link under the "Learner Tools for Virginia Polytechnic Institute & University (Virginia Tech)" heading.

If you started but did not complete the training, you will be able to select it from your Active Courses near the top of the page. 

Screenshot showing question 12 regarding IPA and HIPAA.

Select IPS and HIPAA under Question 12 and then click Submit at the bottom of the page. 

You will be redirected to your list of available courses, with this course being added to the list. 

Click Start Now in the Courses Ready to Begin menu. 

After you agree to the terms, you are ready to complete the training which takes around one hour to complete.  

Questions?  For technical concerns, contact CITI Support (or 888-529-5929).  For questions about the training content or requirement, contact the Privacy and Research Data Protection Program at 

For questions, researchers should contact the Virginia Tech REDCap team for more information.